Bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) provide 25% of the food energy requirements for more than 100 million people in Africa. Plant parasitic nematodes cause severe losses to the crop due to a lack of control options. The sterile nature of Musa spp. hampers conventional breeding but makes the crop suitable for genetic engineering. A constitutively expressed synthetic peptide in transgenic plantain has provided resistance against nematodes. Previous work with the peptide in potato plants indicates that targeting expression to the root tip improves the efficacy of the defence mechanism. However, a promoter that will provide root tip specific expression of transgenes in a monocot plant, such as plantain, is not currently available. Here, we report on the cloning and evaluation of the maize root cap-specific protein-1 (ZmRCP-1) promoter for root tip targeted expression of transgenes that provide a defence against plant parasitic nematodes in transgenic plantain.
Region: Uganda
Date published:
Published by:
Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki
Type of resource:
Journal article
Resource topic:
Maize, Plantain
Project/Programme: Not specific
Pest/Disease: Plant parasitic nematodes
File type:
External link (1.61 MB)