This poster was presented at the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century in 2016 by Dr Elijah Ateka. It presents an overview of the viruses currently infecting cassava in Kenya following a first national survey of infected plants. In Kenya, cassava is grown by resource poor farmers for subsistence, cultivated on over 90,000 ha of land, with an annual production of about 540,000 t. Production of this crop is constrained by cassava mosaic disease (CMD) which can severely reduce cassava yields. The study presented in this poster carried out a series of surveys to determine the incidence, prevalence and severity of diseases such as CMD in Kenya.
Region: Kenya
Date published:
Published by:
Cassava Diagnostics Project
Type of resource:
Academic poster
Resource topic:
Project/Programme: Cassava Diagnostics Project
Pest/Disease: Cassava brown streak virus, Cassava mosaic virus
File type:
PDF (917 KB)