This poster outlines the successes of the project “Enhancing capacity of national cassava research programmes to diagnose, characterise, monitor and sustainably manage viruses affecting cassava productivity” (later known as the Cassava Diagnostics Project) after a year of implementation. The project, run by Mikocheni Agricultural Research Institute (MARI), supports capacity building of scientific personnel and improved research infrastructure for cassava virus disease diagnostics. This poster outlines the project’s objectives and expands on how these have been worked towards over the last year.
The poster was produced by J. Ndunguru, F. Tairo, P. Sseruwagi, T. Alicai, M. Kanyange, G. Gashaka, E. Ateka, L. Karanja, P. Chikoti, N. Cossa, T. Methew and I.Benesi.
Region: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
Date published:
Published by:
Cassava Diagnostics Project
Type of resource:
Academic poster
Resource topic:
Project/Programme: Cassava Diagnostics Project
Pest/Disease: Cassava brown streak virus, Cassava mosaic virus
File type:
PDF (1,045 KB)