This poster was presented by Dr Elijah Ateka in 2016. It displays information on the production, utilisation and commercialisation of cassava in Kenya. Kenya produces about 750,000 tons of cassava making it a major root crop, second only to potato. Production of cassava is constrained by virus diseases such as cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) as well as cultivar decline, low yielding land acres, lack of clean planting materials and insect pests. Cassava is an essential famine relief crop in Kenya due to recent erratic weather patterns and challenges to other staple crops such as maize.
Region: Kenya
Date published:
Published by:
Cassava Diagnostics Project
Type of resource:
Academic poster
Resource topic:
Project/Programme: Cassava Diagnostics Project
Pest/Disease: Cassava brown streak virus, Cassava mosaic virus, Maize lethal necrosis disease
File type:
PDF (1,115 KB)