This article summarises research results on the relative importance of agricultural policy objectives for different stakeholder groups. It focuses on studies that have examined citizens’, farmers’, and experts’ preferences for economic, social and environmental dimensions of multifunctional agriculture, paying particular attention to agri-environmental objectives. Descriptive and meta-analysis are used to examine 34 studies, employing compositional data analysis. The findings show that, overall, equal importance is attached to the economic, social and environmental objectives. However, the general public emphasises social values, whereas experts and farmers place more weight on economic objectives, which are also more prevalent in nationwide studies. With regard to the environment, objectives pertaining to sustainable resource management are weighted higher than landscape or biodiversity goals, although increasing emphasis has been placed on biodiversity in recent years.
Region: Not specific
Date published:
Published by:
Taylor & Francis
Type of resource:
Journal article
Resource topic:
Sustainable food systems
Project/Programme: Not specific
Pest/Disease: Not specific
File type:
(653 KB)