This poster was presented at the Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century in 2012 by Dr Joseph Ndunguru. It displays the work of the Cassava Diagnostics Project which has enhanced the capacity of National Cassava Programmes in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique and Zambia to develop diagnostic tools to effectively implement cassava mosaic disease and cassava brown streak disease management programmes. This has led to the identification and characterisation of cassava mosaic begomoviruses and cassava brown streak viruses as well as the production of disease prevalence and virus distribution maps for the region.
Region: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
Date published:
Published by:
Cassava Diagnostics Project
Type of resource:
Academic poster
Resource topic:
Project/Programme: Cassava Diagnostics Project
Pest/Disease: Cassava brown streak virus, Cassava mosaic virus
File type:
PDF (737 KB)