Sweet potato is an important crop in many African countries including Ethiopia. The production and productivity of this crop is highly constrained by the existence of sweet potato viral diseases in Ethiopia. This review paper was intended to evaluate previous research work concerning sweet potato viruses and associated diseases as well as their management, with a focus on Ethiopia. Virus infections are of major economic importance in Ethiopia since they cause severe disease and threaten sweet potato productivity, especially in major crop producing areas. A total of ten (10) viruses have been identified and recorded in the country between late 2004 and 2012. Of these viruses, SPFMV is the most widespread and damaging followed by SPCSV. The prevalence and incidence of the viral diseases varied from area to area due to environmental variations that affect crop performance and the activity of vectors. Furthermore, the prevalence and incidence of sweet potato viral diseases is high in southern parts of the country. A sweet potato yield reduction of 41-92.6 % has been reported so far due to this disease. Management practices like cultural changes, developing resistant/tolerant varieties, and use of insecticides (to control insect vectors) have been recommended. However, the viruses are causing economic losses with an increasing trend of new virus identification. Hence, due attention should be given by stockholders to strengthening local and national quarantine systems to avoid the introduction of new viruses and to avoid dissemination within areas.
Region: Africa
Date published:
Published by:
International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry
Type of resource:
Journal article
Resource topic:
Project/Programme: Not specific
Pest/Disease: Sweet potato viruses
File type:
External link (742 KB)