In spite of women making up the biggest workforce in food production, processing and preparation in Africa, little is known about how women access production resources, especially concerning sweet potato enterprise. Based on the sex of the household head, we compared male and female sweet potato farmers’ access to agricultural information, credit and extension in Uganda. Differences in sweet potato production techniques, contribution of sweet potato to household food security or cash income, off-farm income sources and membership to farmers’ groups were also determined.
A diagnostic survey was conducted using a questionnaire in six districts of Uganda. A total of 139 and 53 male- and female-headed households were interviewed, respectively. The study was largely descriptive and data was analysed using the SAS package.
Region: Uganda
Date published:
Published by:
Agriculture & Food Security
Type of resource:
Journal article
Resource topic:
Sweet Potato
Project/Programme: Not specific
Pest/Disease: Not specific
File type:
External link (605KB)